Today is April 9th, 2020. This is the moment I've been waiting for. The sign that shows I am officially done with my movie. I've worked very hard on this movie and I am only hoping that is will pay off. This has hands down been the coolest and most fun project I have ever done. I have learned so much about filming, editing, directing, and pretty much everything about the media studies. The main person I want to thank for this is my amazing teacher Ms. Marchionne. I know that the Cambridge exams are canceled, I am still happy that I got to learn all of this knowledge. So lets talk about the CCR. I'm not going to lie but I was kinda of nervous. Before the final video, I had to restart like 5 times because I would mess up. But once I got past that part, I took off and filmed everything for 13 minutes and 54 seconds. I broke each of the four parts into about 3 minutes and 26 seconds because the file size was too large. I did feel as if I needed to edit it so I didn't. My teacher said be creative so when I went to the video so I can try decreasing its' size, I saw that you can add affects in to the video. So I thought it would be cool if i were to put "breaking news into the beginning" to make it look as if I was a news story.
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