Friday, April 24, 2020

extract essy

Extract Essay
The theme of the given extract known as, 24, is betrayal. It seems as if that the two characters in the film use to work together. Also, the girl seems to have betrayed the guy and the organization that she works for, assuming FBI or CIA, some type of government agency. She says that she has a placed a boom somewhere and she wants to have a plane so she can disarm the so-said bomb. This is the main reason why the guy in the extract is upset, or better yet, mad.
The beginning of the film begins with the guy walking into the interrogation room and talking to the girl in the chair. For most of the extract, their conversation focuses on their face, this being called a close up, so that they can show the emotions of the characters in a clearer way. The extract uses a two-person shot for most of the conversation as well. This is to show the interaction between the two characters and help the audience understand who is talking. This is important to use because it also adds context to the situation as well as shows emotion of the characters. Other shots and angles within the extract are zoom, that being when the camera zoomed into the clock and the camera in the top side of the room.
Editing is important to a film because it makes it look cleaner and takes out any mistakes within the film. So therefore, the extract uses these skills to their advantage. For example, when the climax of the scene built up to the max, that being when the guy flipped the table and pushed the chair with the girl on it against the wall, It showed a split screen that was used to show the action of the agents running towards the room while the guy is still yelling at the girl. Ultimately the two split screens meet up into once picture once again. This is important because it gives better context as of why and how the agents got there. Another editing technique within the extract was known as shot-reverse shot. This was used during the dialogue between the two main characters of the extract. This technique is important because instead of constantly moving the camera left to right, which in this case would make the scene a constant use of a pan shot, it shows the back and forth conversation between the two main characters, as said previously.
Sound is another important part about the extract, as well as for most movies and shows made. Within the extract, the main sound is the dialogue between the two character. This is the most important part of the extract because it helps develop the theme the most. Dialogue shows the conversation between the two characters in the extract. Unlike the other shots, the sound is shown by the voices of the people talking to each other. It also shows the context of the extract and the reason as to why they are arguing. Another important sound within the extract is music. Music is important because it is an easy attention grabber. In this case, the music used appears to have a dramatic tone, fitting the situation very well. With the music, it increases the tension and as the climax begins to build up, the music gets suddenly louder. Even in silent films, sounds may have a large factor. With out the non-diegetic sounds of the film, it would not be as enjoyable.
Mis en scene, or staging in French, is the preparation of the film and what is used within the film. A movie can not be made without mis en scene. Mis en scene can be easily remembered by the abbreviation C.L.A.M.P.S. In the same order of the letters, it stands for costumes, Lighting, Actors, Make-up, Props, and Setting. The extract uses all six of these words of the abbreviation. For costumes, their outfit can easily be in that category. The lighting of the film is dark but light enough to see the actors face. This could fall in the category of hard film lighting. The actors of the extract are all the characters within the scene. Instead of their stage names, the actors are the real names of the people portraying those specific characters. Make-up in the extract is hard to locate and possibly not in this scene. Perhaps further in the show or film makeup can be found. Props within the film include the table that was thrown across the room, the monitors that the agents are watching the interrogation, the camera, the clock, and even the paper that was handed to the girl. The setting is the location and time of that specific scene. Although the time is unknown, the location is an interrogation room.
To conclude, the extract would have no meaning without these given factors. Camera angles, movements, and shots show what is going on as sound enhances those given shots. Editing improves both of them and usually is used after film making whereas mis en scene is the plan before the film. As said, without these 4 factors, then the message of the film would be unknown, and the film would not even exist in the first place.

extract paper

Today is Friday, April 24th, 2020. It has been about a week or so since I last uploaded a blog but besides that everything has been alright. I have been just relaxing, playing games on my pc, and watching Netflix. Although the exams are quote on quote canceled, It has been revealed that we still have to do the work for our AICE classes. They are basing their grades off of the work we turn in. Honestly, I am not upset about this because it gives me something to do. Anyways, these four worksheets I have here is a practice extract paper 1 for Cambridge. I had the choice to choose either between the two shows Game of Thrones and 24. I have seen neither of the shows but I chose 24 because I have never heard of it. It was also 20 minutes shorter. You see since we had to watch it 4 times, I originally thought that we had to watch the entire 20 minutes four times. I learned that this was false when I watched it the first time and a big sigh of relief went over me. Although it said to watch it only 4 times, I watched it 5 times only because I was confused at first. The entire thing took me awhile to do as well. After taking notes on the video, I had to write an essay which was the fastest part for me to be honest. It only took me 45 minutes to write 881 words. I will include that essay after this. There isn't anything more to write about so therefore I shall conclude this blog. Until next time.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Nike Commercial

Today is April 12, 2020. Two blogs in one day! Lets go! I have nothing else better to do. I mean I could play that game I talked about, in which I will, but I want to get these out the way first. I'm currently trying to multitask, which I am watching YouTube and trying to write this blog as of right now. So lets talk about the commercial. I remember this like it was yesterday but believe it or not, this was over 5 months ago. So let me give a recap of what happened. Alexis and I picked Nike out of 4 to 6 topics. I honestly forgot. So the first thing we had in mind was football, that being because him and I are football fans. So I wore my favorite teams jersey and he wore a Vikings shirt, but he isn't even a Vikings fans so I don't know why he has that. He is a Oakland Raiders fan, which is now called Los Vegas Raiders because the just recently moved. Coach Dunbar, our schools football coach and my weight training coach, allowed us to use one of his footballs. Coach Dunbar is always going to be my favorite coach that I have ever had cause he so down to earth and humble. He even invited me to go to a Superbowl meeting a day before the game but unfortunately I had to work. I got lucky though because it ended up being canceled. So to conclude the video, It was a cool first time project and It allowed me to gain the knowledge of filming, which helped me film my movie. One last thing, the song in the commercial is the instrumental of the song "Get Dripped" by Lil Yachty.

Music Video Blog

Today is Sunday 12, 2020. Happy Easter! Life in quarantine has been good because I download steam on my computer. I have discovered my new favorite game called "No Mans Sky." I have always loved space and the ocean and the game is basically about space. There are statistically more planets in the game than our own galaxy! So anyway, lets talk about the music video. I have done previous blogs about it but never uploaded it. As a refresher, my partners were Alexis and Kaylnl. I still don't know how to spell her name to this day, which I find funny. Let me give back ground to this video. At first, we didn't know what song to choose. We all brainstormed and Alexis had an idea, which he was to film himself and have us not be in the video. So we agreed with him and continued the idea. I wrote the story board. Kaylnl gave ideas of how the video should go. However the most unfortunate part about the entire situation was that we couldn't meet up to film the video so he had to do it himself. I still feel bad to this day and that was one of the main reasons I decided to work by myself for the movie. As well as I didn't was to feel dependent on Alexis. And he had to edit it as well so I felt as if I did nothing and was "carried" throughout the project.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Into the Sunrise Movie

Today is April 9th, 2020. Here it is! The final product of my film. I finished this about a month ago, filming it on January 29th. I am honestly happy with the end result. At first I was so nervous to film the movie because I didn't know what I was doing. I remember the morning too. It was cold, around 50 degrees, give or take. I woke up at 5 AM and filmed non-stop for about 3 to 3.5 hours. It was an amazing experience, in which I went more in depth in my CCR. This class has been such a fun experience for me and I would do it all again honestly. Unfortunately this Coronavirus pandemic is preventing us from going back to school cause I miss it a little bit. I know people hate school because of the work. However, in which I read somewhere, school is the most social experience a normal person will have in their entire lifetime. In my opinion, I think the rest of my Junior year will be from home. The next blogs I will be posting will be my previous projects. This includes my Nike Commercial and my music video.

CCR for Into the Sunrise

Today is April 9th, 2020. This is the moment I've been waiting for. The sign that shows I am officially done with my movie. I've worked very hard on this movie and I am only hoping that is will pay off. This has hands down been the coolest and most fun project I have ever done. I have learned so much about filming, editing, directing, and pretty much everything about the media studies. The main person I want to thank for this is my amazing teacher Ms. Marchionne. I know that the Cambridge exams are canceled, I am still happy that I got to learn all of this knowledge. So lets talk about the CCR. I'm not going to lie but I was kinda of nervous. Before the final video, I had to restart like 5 times because I would mess up. But once I got past that part, I took off and filmed everything for 13 minutes and 54 seconds. I broke each of the four parts into about 3 minutes and 26 seconds because the file size was too large. I did feel as if I needed to edit it so I didn't. My teacher said be creative so when I went to the video so I can try decreasing its' size, I saw that you can add affects in to the video. So I thought it would be cool if i were to put "breaking news into the beginning" to make it look as if I was a news story.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

re-edit blog

Today is Sunday, April 5th, 2020. I've still be trying to figure out things with Canvas and online schooling. This is all weird to me due to the fact that I have never been through this, and I know no one had either. Although Cambridge unfortunately canceled all exams, I still am going to write blogs just in case. Outside feels like a ghost town, especially with stores being empty and restaurants, bars, etcetera, being closed for at least a month. Well anyways, lets talk about my reediting blog. So first of all, I had to change my song in the video. I used a random song that I thought fit the video perfectly, that being "love in the sky" by the Weeknd. Since you can't use actual songs without permission, which sucks cause I, again, really wanted to use that song, went on YouTube and looked up free music. I spent about 20 minutes, give or take, going through the different songs trying to find the right one and I found a sound called "Horizons," by Scott Buckley. It was okay, but nothing compared to the song I wanted to use. In fact, I actually tried to do research about how to contact artists and whatnot but never found out how to. I tried to Direct Message the Weeknd on Instagram, hoping for a response. It's been over a month since I've done that and the message hasn't even been seen. I asked if I could use one of his songs, naming that song as well, in a school project and nothing. I guess that is to be expected. So how I took the audio and switched it was by selecting "detach audio" and replacing it with the new song. It was essay and it only took me like 5 minutes. The next blog is going to probably be about filming again. What is gonna be different is that I am going to go into depth about it more, unlike my last 3.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Re-filming blog.

Today is Friday, April 3rd, 2020. Its been awhile since my last blog, due to the pandemic of Cornavirus. Monday, the 29th of March, was the first time our school began online schooling. The reason for the absence of blogs was due to me not having time. However, I re-filmed a scene for my movie about 2 weeks ago. I messed up on the kayaking part of the film so I basically just re-shot it. I didnt need to really edit it because it was raw footage of me kayaking. All I did was squeeze it between two clips and made it look better. I had to do this on my camera because I did not have the school camera. Also, It is a big risk to have a $200 camera by the water that IS NOT water proof. This was very easy to do and only took me about 20 minutes total to do. I am 100% done with the film now but I will talk more about what else I did in the next upcoming blogs, I want to talk about my re-editing blog and etc. I am still getting use to this online schooling thing and It kinda sucks that we don't have Cambridge tests anymore. Lets just hope we all didn't make movies for nothing. And if we did, at least we all learned how to make movies. At the end of the day, it was a fun experience and one of, if not my favorite project I have ever done.