Monday, March 16, 2020

Editing Blog: Title Scene

Today is Monday, March 16th, 2020. Unfortunately, schools all across Broward County are closed due to the outbreak of COVID-19. With more time off of school including spring break, I have plenty time to edit my video. For instance, I was able to finish my title scene. Before I begun, I watched tutorials on how to insert titles into videos. I just searched this on YouTube. After learning how to do this, I began to find different fronts. There were also default titles, in which I used every time I displayed my name onto the slide. A couple things I added onto the title scene was "Wonderspies." Why i choose this name because I wanted to add the genre of mystery, where my photo was shown in the end. For the music, I choose a song by the Weeknd. The song was is called "Love in the Sky" and how I got the song was downloading it from YouTube. As I understand the song is copyrighted, I will later reedit this scene later. My next blog will be my re-filming blog. I want to fix kayaking scene. For my reedit film, It will be about this title scene. I need to change the music, reorder some of the titles, and I want to get rid of the bottom date. My camera does this weird thing that it things its 2016, which is obviously 4 years ago.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing Blog: Scenes 6-10

Today is March 12th, 2020. I will be talking about my editing process with scenes 6-10. Before I began these slides, that being the day after I bought my computer, I touched up on some of my previous work that I did the day before. Also, I ran though more tutorials on how to properly use Pinnacle Studios 23. I got an understanding of how to use it the first time but this time I began to really get how to use the software. My 6th scene was when I walked outside. I edited this scene to look as if there are multiple cameras filming me. This scene had a lot of errors because I had to match it perfectly. The 7th scene was about we getting my kayak and putting it into the water. I edited the scene to become an action shot. It showed me walking with the kayak towards the camera as I transitioned it into walking away. My 8th scene was about putting my stuff in my kayak. In this scene, I included cuts within the film instead of watching me struggle putting the stuff in the kayak. I deleted scene 9 because it was hard to blend into the film. Instead of only have 9, I changed scene 10 into 9 and created a completely different one. Scene 9 was about me kayaking and catching the briefcase. On the 10th, It was about me opening the brief case. Both of these scenes, I included cuts so I could make the film shorter than it is suppose to be. After editing, the film went from 19 minutes to 2:40 minutes. After even further editing, I got it down to 1:58.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing blog: scenes 1-5

Today is Monday, March 9th, 2020. Today I will be going through the process of editing my film. On Saturday, February 29th, I purchased my brand new computer. I also purchased Pinnacle Studios 23 on my computer for the price of $60. At first, I had no idea what I was doing. Alexis, my previous partner on my first two projects, was good with technology and editing software. Me, unlike him, did not have the equal intelligence as him. The first thing I did was watch a bunch of tutorials about how to use Pinnacle Studios 23. I did not want to mess up anything. First I transferred the footage of the camera on to my computer by inserting the SD card into it. After that I proceeded to import all of my footage on to Pinnacle Studios. I did scenes 1-5. I transferred them onto the second trey in order of the footage. I blended them into on another by using transitions and the split tool. What I did was that I split the selected scene where I want it to end and then deleted the unwanted footage. Therefore, I was able to make the scenes look as if they all go together. I didn't do the next 5 until Sunday, March 1st. Therefore, I will talk about the rest in my next blog.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer editing blog

Today is Thursday, March 5th 2020. Two days ago on Tuesday, out teacher wasn't here. She assigned us an assignment that had to do with the grading of another group's (in the same class) video. Unfortunately, the person, ironically being the same person that I worked with on the music video with, was not there. So for the entire class, I watched the people who were grading my video. Those people were Kol and Julia. Over the weekend, I bought a new computer at Best buy. Also, I bought a Pinnacle Studios 23 on my computer so I can work on my video from home. I finished and showed them the finish project. They liked my idea of what I did. The only flaw about my video is the music used. I couldn't find the right song for the video. So as an alternative, I used the song called "Love in the Sky," by The Weeknd.. Obviously I have to go back and change it, but other than that, my movie is done. I just need to go back and do as I said. I will talk about my editing process soon. Why I edited everything on one day, which took me 6 hours to do, as well as 3 hours to film, was because I thought everything had to be done BY tuesday. So I guess it's a win win for me since I am done early and I don't have to worry about it. ╰(*°▽°*)╯