Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Filming Blog: Scenes 2-10.
Today is Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. I was not able to film since Sunday because of school and work. I worked on Monday and Today. Therefore, I am not able to film until the weekend. I will film every scene needed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will try to get an editing software so I can edit from home. I am planning to wake up around 5 am so I can film until the sunrises. I want to try to get the sun rising on film and put in the film. I was thinking about filming before school but that would take too much time. It would be convenient because I get up at that time for school. However, I use that time to get ready, make coffee, etc. Moreover, I leave my house at 6 am and It is still somewhat dark outside. Therefore, the lighting will not be the greatest. This is why I want to film when It has light outside because the lighting will be a lot better. I am planning to do all of this on Saturday morning and editing some of it for Tuesday so I can have something to go off of for peer review. I want to at least do my title scene first. Moreover, I want to edit the scenes in order. I am very excited for this filming process because, as stated in many of my previous blogs, I want to learn how to edit for the future.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Filming Blog: Title Scene
Today is Monday, February 24th, 2020. On Thursday, February 20th, I checked out the camera to film on the weekend. I was still deciding how to do the film, therefore I did no use the given camera. Next weekend will be where I film the entire movie. I filmed the title scene, or other words scene one. I have a waterproof camera that is somewhat like a GoPro. So the idea of the scene is to be as if the camera is sinking underwater. I filmed this scene 3 different times. I have a boat pole and I used it as a guided stick so I can put the camera underwater. I tied down the camera to the pole with a metal string so that the camera will not fall off. The first two attempts of the film we on my seawall. The other one was at the end of my dock. This was the one I decided to keep and use for the title scene. I took out the SD card from the camera and dumped it on my USB drive. This is where I want to put the rest of the scenes.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Filming Blog:
Today is Tuesday, February 18th, 2020. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to film this weekend. On valentines day I had the opportunity to receive a camera to film but I was going to be busy this weekend. After thinking about what I am going to do, I have a clear idea of what I want to do. What my plan is to film this weekend and next week I can began the editing process. I have 3 days of class week which should be plenty of time to film. I will be using the school camera for inside the house and my water proof camera for outside. I do not want to risk the destruction of a $500 camera. I am planning to film the title scene first and after that I want to start from scene 2-10 in order. I am very excited for the outcome of the movie "Into the Sunrise." I feel as if I will be the first person in cambridge to do a movie such as this one. I am planning to film everything this weekend as I said and I want to start and learn how to edit. The main reason I wanted to do this projet by myself was because last time when me, Alexis, and kalyln did the music video, it took us a long time to come up with a location. I already have my SD care for the camera and I am planning to dump everything onto it and brin it school to edit. I am ready!!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
planning blog: storyboard
Today is Thursday, February 13th, 2020. This is the last of my planning blogs. This basically describes in illustration of what my film is going to look like. I drew this off the shooting script that was due on February 6th. Some things in this storyboard are not going to be 100%. I will try planning my scene based on these pictures I drew. I am going to try filming this weekend either Saturday and Sunday. My next blog is due on the 20th of February. This will include a series of 12 blogs. This blog will be about filming.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Planning blog: Title Design in detail
Today is Monday, February 10th, 2020. This is the 4th blog out of 5 that I have to do before I am able to film. This includes who directed the film, who edited the film, etcetera. I am obviously the only person doing this therefore my name will be appearing many times on the title screen. The title of the film will be called "Into the Sunrise." I made the title while doing this blog. I thought of it while I was doing the fonts on slide 2. It clicked the second I thought of it and here we are. Why I thought of the name was because the movie is suppose to be an adventure that a kid, me of course, going on a adventure on his kayak. Since the time of the movie is suppose to be in the morning, "Into the Sunrise" sounded like an appropriate name for it.
Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, and schedule
Today is Monday, February 10th, 2020. This is one of the 5 blogs that I will be doing for this planning project. In the blog I include who will be apart of the film, the location of the film, and the schedule of what I will be doing. I will try to go off this schedule but if I do anything before or after these dates, I will change it. I am still very excited for this project and I want to put one hundred percent of my effort into it. I will most likely have trouble with the editing part. Last time Alexis did the editing because he works well in that category. Therefore, this project shall be a learning process.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
planning blog: Sound/Dialogue Script
Today is February 6th, 2020. Earlier today I wrote published my shooting script. This blog is about those scenes, but this time It is about audio. I am working by myself. Therefore I wont be talking that much, if not at all. The only sound within the film will be music and natural background noise. I know this movie kinda sounds boring since there is nothing happening, but I am planning to talk later in the film. However, the film is only about 2 minutes so that won't happen. I am still excited for filming. My next blogs will be my schedule and my hand written storyboard.
planning blog: shooting script
Today is February 6th 2020. We had to make a PowerPoint on what out film will include. I am glad I did this because I thought of everything by doing this PowerPoint. I will try to go off word by word of this power point. I am going to also write my storyboard exactly like this film. That will be due the 13th, which is a Monday. I am excited for what this project will do for me. I love fishing and I thought this is the perfect subject for me. The next blog is going to be about the dialogue.
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